Friday 18 May 2012

Shannon Kook as Magnus Bane

Hey everyone, 

So I saw a while ago that Shannon Kook, had never heard of him at the time, posted some pictures on his Facebook page of him dressed to audition for Magnus bane in The Mortal Instruments, City of Bones movie. At first I sort of though, you know, oh he looks really cool! It's so fantastic to see an actor really get into their character and go to that sort of extent, posting picture for fans and stuff. 

But over the last week or so, there had been quite a bit of talk about other actors that have confirmed auditioning for the part, so everyone's discussing who they like best and all that. And I have just fallen in love with Shannon Kook as Magnus Bane, I don't know anything about him n terms of his acting abilities, but based solely on looks I would love for this guy to be cast as Magnus. 

And he's totally cute too! Okay, I know I am probably being all fan-girly here, but I am going to post a bunch of pictures for your viewing pleasure :)


So what do you think of Shannon as Magnus in The Mortal Instruments movie? If you don't like him who would you love to be cast? 

Jammie the Book Nerd <3

P.s. I just finished City of Lost Souls today :D So I will hopefully be able to write a review for it and put that up soon :D 


  1. Looking at him I can definitely picture him being Magnus!

    1. Hopefully we get a Magnus soon as we have been getting quite a bit of casting news lately and filming is supposed to start soon too :D

  2. I can totally see it happening, even though they've casted someone for Magnus already. I like them both, actually, and Shannon is pretty close to what Magnus looks like in my head. ;D
